
Showing posts from June, 2020

A Penguin and a Puffin

Today  we  talk about two birds, Penguin and a Puffin. There are some interesting facts about these birds. 1. Penguin is a sea bird which can not fly. Whereas a Puffin is a bird which can fly. 2.Both these birds looks similar. 3.Both these birds can swim and dive. 4.A penguin can dive underwater for more than fifteen minutes while a Puffin can dive for half a second. 5.A penguin can dive as deep as 500 meters, whereas a Puffin can  dive upto 60 meters in the water. See these  two  these birds below.Not sure, whether each enjoy the benefit from the other. What about our society?  Man has a similar biological  structure but  each  of them  are distinct  in thought, skill and competency. In an ideal society,  we  enjoy the benefits from each other  by trade of  value, respect and care. Stay Blessed. Qazi Muhammad Salahuddin Our Global Society Penguin Puffin

Butter fly theory!!!

A butter fly is one of the most beautiful insects of the world, likewise house fly is also an insect but its totally different from the butterfly. In order to continue our topic, we will include honey bee in this theory. 1.Butter fly and honey bee sit only on flower, sweets and lives in its own nest. 2.The house fly or other similar flies sit on the dirt, body cuts and dust bins. 3.Both these flies provide economic activities to human being, in the form of honey production, productive thoughts from butterfly wings  and insecticide medicine. 4.But human like nesting of butter fly or a honey bee,   and not the house fly. Friends, this  theory applies to our thoughts as well, a good thought and the bad thought, similarly a good deed and bad deed. So, start nesting good thoughts and get rid of bad thoughts, I guarantee You will get the honey all the time!!!! Please see  two images of both insects below: Stay blessed. Qazi Muhammad Salahuddin https://qsalahudddin.b...