The Salinity in any fertile Soil

The excess of any element in our life harms  the balance. When salt level increases in the soil, the soil is considered less useful for the cultivation purpose.
This salinization process occurs due to natural reasons like rising the minerals level  due to sea etc.There could some reason caused due to economic activities of human being as well.
The normal pH level for a agriculture soil  is considered  between 6.0 to 8.5pH,

A salinity meter is a devise which measure the level of salinity in water and soil. For this process, an electric current is passed  throught  the  sample of  soil or water in order to determine the salinity level.

Once, it is determined that soil contains excess saline, now we need to eliminate this excess element of soil in order to obtain its  fertility level.

The productive level of a soil is attained by leaching process,where  extra level of salt is either extracted  or  seperated  from the soil or  drained in the form of liquid waste. Special  steps are taken for the harmless disposal of these soil saline waste.

Friends, our society also suffers from  salinity which  squeezes its  productivity.

The salinity meter of a society are the principles of faith and belief. And the leaching process to eliminate this excess salinity, are the guidelines  and practises  of faith and belief  prevailing in the society.
An appropriate   leaching process  may turn Society  to "productive".

Friends, now the question arises, what is the Productive Society.
A society based on justice, equality and belief.
A  fertile society, where people harvest  good thoughts, deeds  and plans for mutual help support and respect.

Stay Blessed. Watch and think the idea behind these two snap.s

Qazi Muhammad Salahuddin

Our Global Society

Soil Salinity
Society Salinity


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