Ferry Service in Pakistan!!!


Ferry Service in Pakistan!!!

Pakistan  is  among  those  fortunate countries which  have  all natural resources like, forest, irrigational land, mountain, desert, rivers , lakes and  sea coast.

Pakistan has  around  1,146 km long coastal belt which stretches  from  South east of Sind to  south west of Baluchistan province.  This  coast line includes Indus delta which is among top ten  delta regions of the world. This coast line   also   facilitates   the  third largest ship breaking yard  after India and  China, at Gadani in Baluchistan.  And also  provide  coastal access to Hingol National Park, which could be very important tourist destination for whole Pakistan

Inspite  of  having a  long   coast line , country do not have any domestic or international  ferry services now.

History of Ferry  Services in Pakistan

Earlier, there was one ferry service between east Pakistan and west Pakistan by a British   Company, connecting Karachi to Chittagong. Later in 1954, a local Pakistani listed Company, namely Pan-Islamic Shipping Company Limted started ferry service operation for this domestic route and  international route, exclusive for  hajj pilgrims from Karachi and Chittagong to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

After the fall of east Pakistan, company lost its major business route and in 1974 it was nationalized by then Government of Pakistan. Later in 1979, it was merged with a Government owned, Pakistan National Shipping Corporation (PNSC). Company managed to offer ferry services but due to lack of any other business operations, this service was ceased in late 1980’s.

During 2006, Gulf  Dream Cruise Company started luxury ferry services between Karachi and Dubai, but it could not  continue due to  sharp decline in air ticket cost and people preferred the air travel much economical mode.

Now we  extend our discussion about  ports,  harbours  and islands  in Paistan.

There three commercial ports in Pakistan and many  fish harbours. There are some naval defense  centres along the coast line  and  in the islands as well.

Sea  Ports  in Pakistan

1.       Karachi port

2.       Port  Muhammad  Bin Qasim

3.       Gawadar port

4.       Ormara  port

Fish Harbours in Pakistan

1.       Ibrahim Haideri fish harbor Karachi

2.       Karachi fish harbor  West Wharf

3.       Thatta fish harbour at Keti bandar

4.       Pasni  fish harbor

5.       Jiwani fish harbour

Islands in Pakistan

Sind coast line

1.       Baba and Bhit Island

2.       Buddo Island

3.       Bundal Island

4.       Churna Island

5.       Clifton Oyester rocks- small islets

6.       Khiprianwala Island

7.       Manora

8.       Shams Pir

9.       Dhari island

10.   Pimo (Tido)  island


Baluchistan Coast line

1.       Astola island

2.       Malan island

3.       Zalzala island

Pakistan coast line map is  given below  for visual overview of  our readers.

Proposed ferry  Routes

Below are some suggested routes to develop  tourism in Pakistan.

The average speed of normal ferry boats is around 20-25 Knots or nautical miles per hour.speed depends upon sea weather updates

1.     Domestic routes

·        Karachi –Keti Bunder around  80  nautical mile NM.

·        Karachi- Bandal and Baddu island, around 1 NM

·        Karachi – churna island,  22 NM

·        Karachi to Hingol National park, around 130 NM

·        Karachi-Ormara ,   190 NM

·        Karachi-Pasni, 270 NM.

·        Karachi-Gwadar, around 340 NM

·        Karachi-Jiwani, around 370 NM

·        Karachi-Rann Katch, around 160 NM


2.     International routes.

·        Gawadar-Chabahar Iran,  90 nautical miles(NM)

·        Jiwana-Chabahar Iran,  around 60 NM

·        Karachi-Chabahar Iran,  around 500 NM

·        Jiwani Pakistan-Muscat, around 195 NM

·        Gawadar-Muscat, 220 NM.

·        Karachi-Muscat, 470 NM

·        Karachi-Dubai, 640 NM

·        Karachi-Bahrain,1000 NM

·        Karachi-Qatar, 933 NM

·        Karachi-Dammam, 1040 NM

·        Karachi-Kuwait, 1200 NM

·        Karachi-Basra Iraq, 1200 NM


It is interesting to write here that Iran, Muscat, Saudia, Qatar, Bahrain and UAE offer ferry services among themselves. And  the Maritime Ministry of Pakistan is trying to initiate a similar ferry services in regional countries since many years.

Proposed  Steps to Initiate Ferry Services

Below are some  recommended  steps  to initiate this long awaited economic activity.


1.       It is better to start  domestic ferry routes  in the first stage.

2.       Karachi Port Trust, Gwadar Port Authority, Port Qasim authority, Pakistan Navy, Ministry of Maritime Affairs , PTDC and PNSC, can initiate a joint venture for ferry services

3.       Exclusive  passenger  terminals  construction   required for all proposed domestic routes as discussed above.

4.       Invite, local investors  in this projects.

5.       Promotion  and incentives for hotel industry in order to develop this project

6.       Declare  Jiwani special promotion zone for international ferry services from Iran, Muscat, Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq.

7.       Jiwani City  development at rapid speed.

8.       Development of Gadani beach for  tourism and   business  travelling.

9.       Special passenger terminal services development  at Hingol National Park.

10.   Initiate  sea  tourism  culture among people by organizing   sea sports clubs, boating clubs,  scuba diving clubs, angling clubs, mangrove trip clubs, crabbing clubs etc.

11.   PTDC  can lead to develop  coastal  destinations  for exclusive tourist  attractions.


As I always belief, that  every task can be successful, if it  meant for the sole welfare and development of the country.

Please share your vital comments.

Qazi Muhammad Salahuddin

Our Global Society



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