Society Under Construction


Society Under Construction!!


1.       Education  develops  two type of people, one who need continuous earning, another who need continuous learning.

2.       Education can turn a man into human being.

3.       Universities    normally produce  branded economic animals  for human societies.

4.       Man  needs sufficient education  to live like  a human being.

5.       An institution, where education is sold for money is similar to any commercial industry, where products are manufactured for  attaining  the maximum profit for  its own shareholders.

6.       The most educated person of the society is one who  adds value to his surroundings , where he lives in.

7.       Any education which provoke, hate, intolerance, race, nationality and discrimination among people is more harmful than available deadliest weapons.

8.       Society is the only university of the world, which gives you free of cost education.

9.       Education is  an attitude of a person  which others can only understand by his behavior.

10.   Any education, which fails to develop harmony among the society; is only  a waste of national assets.

11.   If education restricts  the thought process of human, it is far better to change the existing assumptions.

12.   If  education  requires logic for religion, better avoid  “assumption space”, in the  existing scientific research  protocols.

13.   If a teacher cannot  teach  human values , there is no  fault  of its  students.

14.   The best education is one  which is meant for the  sole benefit of mankind.

15.   Teacher is one  who  develop leaders instead of increasing  its students.

16.   The best education syllabus is always  based upon  a belief, not over assumptions.

17.   Any education which leads to disbelief  in divine power, is a longer route  for the right destination.

18.   Every  challenge to   existing  man made  scientific  laws, theories and assumptions,  will be blessing  for humanity and generation to come.


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